Today is the Full Moon in Scorpio with Sun in Taurus. Scorpio and Taurus opposite each other create a poignant planetary configuration. This morning as I opened to the sun and the moon energies I felt a deep peace and an energetic recalibration of my feminine and...
Do you speak your truth? Are you living your true vision? This morning I have been thinking about the major crossroads that many people are facing in their lives these days. There’s a quickening of energies on so many levels, streaming in and around us...
When am I being a warrior or a martyr? Many of us are so accustomed to thinking we have to“do it all ourselves”, that we often forget that there may actually be another choice! When I fall in to this mind set, I try to remember to stop and honestly ask myself,...
Please join me today to break through resistance! Everyday I am faced with some form of resistance. When I woke up just before dawn today, I was guided to blog to connect to all of you on a more personal level. My resistance reared up, since I’ve been learning how to...
When you have a chance please visit and Like my new Facebook page: Shamanic Healing Work I have also added to my crystal inventory at Healing Crystals This is such a beautiful and uplifting time in the northeast, with leaves unfurling before our eyes as we witness...
Surely by now, we have all felt and been influenced by the subtle, powerful transmissions of energies streaming onto the planet and the Piscean energies that we are currently steeped in. Pisces is said to rule the subtle more mystical realms, so when we attune to...