Yes! A new season is just around the corner. Come back soon for Call in details for my FREE 90 MINUTE SPRING EQUINOX TEACHING CALL Friday, March 20th 12-1:30PM EST USA! Spring arrives next Friday, March 20th, 2015, in the northern hemisphere, Fall in the southern...
I was visiting my son, his wife and my grandchildren ( ages 4 and 6) in the Pacific Northwest. Aside from cherishing family, enjoying the unseasonably mild February weather in Ashland, Oregon, I’ve also had the opportunity to camp in an old growth Redwood...
I’m feeling generous and want to offer you a special healing gift ! Often, I’m asked how and when I became a shamanic practitioner and medicine dreamer. To keep it short, as is usually the case, those who are on a shamanic path have...
I have talked to so many people recently who have shared that they’re in a place of “I don’t know” which often makes them feel anxious, inadequate and down on themselves for not having all the answers.There’s much wisdom to be gained in allowing, accepting and...
When I awake each morning my first inclination is to “think” about the day. My mind wants to go straight to my “to do” lists. To break this habit, I’ve been disciplining myself to simply let go of these habitual thoughts. I then place my...
After riding the energies of yesterday’s emotional full moon, we’ve finally arrived in the first full week of the New Year. It’s a poignant time that carries with it great promise, and renewed hope for creating a “new lease”on life. Like...
I’m really feeling the power of today’s full moon, are you? When I woke this morning, just before dawn, I felt enveloped, held and opened by the light of her presence, power and magic. When the moon’s full, I’m very aware of how I am both, inspired...
I hope you had a chance to listen to my “Sacred Journey to the West” live call. Many listeners shared their west, bear journeys with me. It means a great deal to me to know that my work has touched someone on a deep level. If you had a journey that you...
How honest are you with yourself? If you joined me over the past week in closely observing yourself and seeing your masks, you may have uncovered some surprising things about yourself. ( As I said last week, in the northern...
What masks do you wear? Since many of us have just celebrated Halloween, Day of the Dead, Samhain and other seasonal holidays honoring and acknowledging the more hidden realms, I’m moved to write about Masks, Mirrors & Intimacy. We’re also directly in...