About Susan

A life long seeker, Susan has immersed herself in decades of spiritual inquiry, retreats, workshops, intensive leadership and self empowerment trainings, and rigorous apprenticeships, including an intensive four day vision quest in the wilds of New Mexico.
For many decades Susan has participated in a variety of meditation retreats, spiritually focused therapeutic groups, and enlightenment intensives – and immersed herself in a wide range of earth centered studies and practices; all of which ground and enrich her thriving healing practice.
With nature as her refuge, Susan founded Birthing Spirit Center on her land in the woods of Maine in 1984 where she has worked with clients of all ages, and facilitated a variety of earth centered spiritual circles, women’s groups, workshops and ceremonies. Currently, Susan works remotely with private and group clients from around the world.
Susan was trained and certified in Reiki Levels I, II, III and Karuna I with Barbara Thomas in Maine in 2008. Since 2018 she has been passionately immersed in the illuminating, transformative work and loving mentorship of Gabrielli LaChiara, co-founder of The Infinity School of Healing & The LaChiara Method, and is a certified LaChiara Method Coach and practitioner.
Susan has also hosted 6 Global Inner Illumination Summits, where she has interviewed a diverse, prominent group of 175 + pathfinders, healers, teachers and trailblazers in the fields of spirituality, leadership, healing and self empowerment: including: Dr. Richard Schwartz (IFS), Ester Nicholson, Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery, Dr. Jeanine Staples, Dereca Blackmon, Sandra Ingerman, Hank Wesselman, Brooke Medicine Eagle, Susun Weed, Shamini Jain, Tami Simon (Founder of “Sounds True”), Annemarie Shrouder, Dr. Carol Penn, Paul Levy, Matthew Fox, Elayne Kalila Doughty, Lena Stevens, Michael Stone, Christina Pratt, Itzhak Beery, Boysen Hodgson of MKP, Char Tosi of Woman Within, Mira Kelley, Sarah Mclean, Terri and Robert Talltree, Dawn Clark, Gabrielli LaChiara, John Gray, Carol Look, Mas Sahady, Dr. Dawson Church, Christy Whitman, Dr. Jennifer Howard, Deanna Lam, Dr. Margaret Paul, Terry Patten, Dustin Urban, Jocelyn Mercado, Debra Silverman, Cynthia James, Dr. Sue Morter, Carol Look, John Gray, Catherine Woodward Thomas, Rev. Aliah Majon, Clare Dubois (Tree Sisters) Patricia Albere, Sergio Magana, Linda Star Wolf, Agapi Stassinopoulos, Anahita Joon, Chloe Faith Urban, Lettie Sullivan, Renee Baribeau, Tera Maxwell, Linda Fitch, Hemalayaa Behl, Cynthia James, Ana Forrest and Jose Calarcoto – to name just a few.
Susan's Initiation Story

As is often the case with healers and spiritual practitioners, a significant life challenge inevitably arises, that takes us through what is referred to as a “dismemberment” or “small death passage”. My dismemberment initiation began in late August of 1982, when I was faced with a serious health crisis. Until then, I had taken my physical body for granted, always being extremely active, athletic and physically strong. It was humbling and disarming when my first debilitating symptoms began to appear. Within a few days, I was diagnosed with a serious central nervous system disorder and was hospitalized. It was an unsettling time, during which I had to totally let go of all preconceived notions of who and what I had ever thought myself to be. I surrendered to the mystery, fully embraced each moment and stayed present to the reality of my physical body literally, “dismembering”, so to speak.
I can still clearly recall the surreal conversation I had with the neurologist, as he informed me that I had an acute debilitating neurological disease that would most likely lead to a rapid decline and my eventual early death. He also said that “all hope is false hope”, and advised me not to have children. It was surreal. Working hard not to fall into a tunnel of fear, as I listened to his dire prognosis; another wise part of me remained powerful, strong, detached and objective. As my spirit, essence, “inner warrior” listened, I remained acutely conscious of the fact that I had a choice in that moment. I could allow his authoritative pronouncements to create my reality and determine my future health; or surrender to spirit, tap into my healing powers, spirit guides and helpers, and heal work to myself.
I was deeply conscious of the fact that if my thoughts and beliefs had actually created my present physical reality, then I also had the power to re-create and re-embody the healthy, vibrant person I had always known myself to be. Looking back, I know this was a deep ” initiation” onto my path as a shamanic practitioner; that I was being called and prepared to step into the fire and “walk my talk. All I could do was let go, absolutely, of any “attachment to an outcome”, trust and surrender to the mystery. Creating a strong intention, dreaming myself back into health, taking “right action and being proactive, was deeply empowering, no matter the outcome. There was a great serenity and peace in knowing that all I could to do was love and accept myself, exactly as I was, take the next right step, and follow the guidance of my spirit, and trust. When I returned home from the hospital my inner work began in earnest.
A lifetime interest in spiritual, non-ordinary inquiry, readings, study and practice had prepared me well. Whenever family or friends asked what they could do to help, I invited them to join me in my daily meditations and visualize me in perfect, vibrant health. Though my exhaustion was overwhelming, I continued to meditate three times daily, as I had promised myself. It was a deeply inspiring and beautiful time of awakening. Enveloped in an aura of love and healing energies, I was acutely aware of spiritual helpers and guides assisting me. It was a powerful, pivotal time during which I opened to my natural gift of “sight” and began to awake spiritually as a “medicine dreamer”. I literally heard that spoken to me upon waking one morning to describe my kind of healing work; a kind of “dreaming healing” on a cellular level. I visualized or “dreamed”, thousands of cells rebuilding and healing the scarred areas throughout my central nervous system. I continued my daily meditations, often joined by friends and family, either in person or from a distance.
My discipline and support kept me inspired and moving from “right action” sourced from my essence. As I opened to the mystery and the realms of spirit that illuminated my inner life, dimensions beyond the world of form became more easily accessible. Aside from the physical discomforts and challenges I was experiencing on so many levels, I still recall it as one of the most enlightening and spiritually inspiring periods in my life. Soon people began to hear about my healing experiences and started asking me to work with them, their friends and/or families. Word spread, and my healing practice began to grow. I don’t clearly remember when I actually became completely symptom free. I raised 2 wonderful, healthy children, now ages 31 and 34, and have been active and healthy for over 3 decades.
Over time, I’ve come to see physical symptoms and imbalances as “soul mirrors”, doorways in to our inner selves, our true essence. In the end, who really knows what the deepest “meaning” of anything is? I believe that all we can do is fully commit to our journey and take “right action” to empower ourselves as best we know how, moment by moment. Humility, self-love and healing arise from an unfaltering acceptance of our present circumstance, within and without. A deep introspection and honest inquiry as to the mysterious lessons beckoning us to consciousness allows “the mystery” to reveal itself.
Needing More Clarity in Your life?
Contact me now to set up a 30 Minute Visioning Consultation.