~ Mystical, magical new moon energies ~
The upcoming new moon energies are quite powerful, have you noticed? It’s said that the veils between the worlds are very thin in the days leading up to the new moon opening us up further to the magical, mystical realms.
Some astrologers that I follow have been saying that this particular new moon tomorrow, coupled with mercury having gone retrograde on January 5th (through January 25th), is something to take particular note of.
I hold mercury retrograde periods as a time to be more conscious of the words and thoughts that I use internally, and in my communication with others. I try to be more precise and careful in what I do, paying extra attention to details, double checking documents etc, which is always good to do anyways.
The general consensus is that over these next few weeks in January it’s a great time to allow yourself to rest, rejuvenate, and reflect back on all the changes and shifts that have taken place in your life over the past few months (and past few years!) and to honor all your many successes!
It’s a perfect time to continue to clear your physical spaces, like desks, counters, closets etc., to make space for the fresh new energies that will be opening up in early February.
Here’s to extra rest and adding to your gratitude list!
With new moon light, Susan