Heart or mind? Which do you trust more?
So many people have thanked me for providing a window into my medicine work and the power of the shamanic path in action when I shared a woman’s experience with me on her free call. https://www.shamanichealingwork.com/2015/10/31/are-you-curious/
There are many common issues that people bring into their calls and sessions with me. Often, the core source of their difficulties and issues are relatively easy to identify; such as past traumas or dysfunctional childhoods etc..
What’s less obvious, and equally, if not more painful at times, are the more subtle, diminishing, sabotaging beliefs and thoughts that show up over and over again that make people feel unworthy, inadequate and bad about themselves. Sometimes it’s hard for me to watch because I know how much amazing help and guidance easily accessible to all of us, just behind the thin veils between the worlds.
Is this you?
Over the past year/s you’ve signed up for all kinds of free webinars,gifts, classes, meditations, e-books, empowerment exercises. You’re so excited! You’re motivated, ready to stop procrastinating. Once and for all!
You’re fired up! Ready to put it all into practice on your own. Surely you can step fully into your power and hold yourself accountable this time. What’s so hard about that, right?
After all, there’s all this great information you’ve collected and downloaded. You promise yourself that this time you’ll follow through and keep your word with yourself. You’re in your integrity.
A few days, or weeks later, you find yourself right back where you began, but feeling even more disappointed and frustrated with yourself. If this sounds familiar, I assure you, you’re not alone. I’ve been there too. I can help. We’re not meant to do it all alone!
In fact, it’s the predictable and ultimately empowering territory of the North on the The Inner Warrior spirit path. Believe me, I’ve passed through here many times. Over the years I’ve learned how to navigate through the “mine fields” of my thoughts and beliefs, with the help and guidance of my generous spirit guides.
I’m here to share earth based practices, ceremonies, shamanic journeys and tools I’ve learned along the way, with you! We all need our mentors and spiritual midwives!
That’s just what I’ll be doing this year during my upcoming group program “Birthing Yourself Into Being” which starts November 4th! I don’t want you to miss out on this unique opportunity!
So, if you’ve thought about enrolling; maybe your heart’s saying “yes”, but those familiar sabotaging thoughts are showing up to block you from stepping into your power, then,
Click Here Now to Schedule Your Free 30 Minute Call!
Group Program “Birthing Yourself Into Being”
Shamanic Programs Susan Offers
Spaces are limited, so if your heart says “yes”, commit to yourself today!
Tending to Your Roots
6 Month Intensive
Tending to Your Roots is designed for people who are ready to commit to themselves, nourish their spirits, ground and align with the earth, and cause empowering change in their lives. Over the 6 months you will be nurtured, encouraged and supported by me as healer, spiritual guide, visionary, coach and medicine dreamer.
Pathway to Power
12 Month Intensive
Pathway to Power is designed for someone who isn’t yet ready to make as big an investment as my Exclusive Diamond Program, but still wants to commit to nourishing their spirit, aligning with their purpose and causing empowering, lasting change in their life this year! With weekly contact, and on going work, we will be able to activate and cause deep healing and transformation over our 12 months together. You will be nurtured, encouraged and supported by me as healer, spiritual guide, visionary, coach and medicine dreamer.
Dreaming Your Vision
12 Month Intensive
Dreaming Your Vision is designed for people who are fully committed to taking a deep journey within, nourish their spirits, ground with the earth, and cause empowering change in their lives. Over the 12 months you will be nurtured, encouraged and supported by me as healer, spiritual guide, visionary, coach and medicine dreamer.