I’m sure feeling the full moon energies, with hours of lying awake in bed bathed in moonlight, making the choice to appreciate the power of hours awake in her presence. The importance of sleep can prevent us from luxuriating in being awake in the middle of the night. I often have some of my most powerful inspirations come in these times. The spirits and guides will actually wake me up to communicate with me. It’s been an amazing time of connection for me! Over this past week I’ve spoken to 29 people from around the world, who have shared their most difficult challenges, aspirations, visions and dreams with me! Transition is the most common theme. To their surprise, many are finding themselves moving from their homes, relationships, and jobs that no longer fulfill them and light up their spirits. Old “ways of being” are falling away like worn out clothes. For some, the unknown ahead is exhilarating! And for others, it’s terrifying and disturbing. In these times, it seems that whether we want to or not, many of us are being asked to take an honest look at our lives and make some big choices. A bright light is being cast on our shadow sides. The full moon lights up our shadows too! What we’ve repressed, denied,avoided and tried to numb ourselves to, is coming up to be faced and finally be dealt with. It’s as though we can no longer withstand the discrepancies and friction between our true essence and our small “ego driven” selves anymore. It’s just too painful and uncomfortable for our spirits. Have you noticed this? These conversations have been so rich and heartfelt, and because I’ve had so many requests for more available times, I’ve opened up more through next week. These are for people who are serious about committing to their spirits, and are willing to do the work to empower themselves and cause lasting change in their lives this year! Here’s your chance to talk with me personally, ask me questions and get to know me more and how I work.
Click Below to Schedule Your Time: https://www.timetrade.com/book/5D57H
Yesterday afternoon, when I was writing this email, the 1st cormorant I’ve ever sited on my pond flew in and landed right below my window! It swam to shore, came up on the beach, waddled around and walked back into the water twice, in just a few minutes! I see this as a powerful sign and affirmation. Sweet medicine for all of us who are diving deep into our intuitive waters, searching for clarity from deep within. It’s from these inner territories that clarity will come and we’ll find new inviting shorelines to settle on and build our fresh nests. It’s medicine also teaches us to stop, stand patiently and spread our wings in the sun and wind to dry, before we can lift off and fly off once again! ENJOY THE BEAUTY OF THE MOON TODAY!
Shamanic Programs Susan Offers
Spaces are limited, so if your heart says “yes”, commit to yourself today!
Tending to Your Roots
6 Month Intensive Tending to Your Roots is designed for people who are ready to commit to themselves, nourish their spirits, ground and align with the earth, and cause empowering change in their lives. Over the 6 months you will be nurtured, encouraged and supported by me as healer, spiritual guide, visionary, coach and medicine dreamer.
Pathway to Power
12 Month Intensive Pathway to Power is designed for someone who isn’t yet ready to make as big an investment as my Exclusive Diamond Program, but still wants to commit to nourishing their spirit, aligning with their purpose and causing empowering, lasting change in their life this year! With weekly contact, and on going work, we will be able to activate and cause deep healing and transformation over our 12 months together. You will be nurtured, encouraged and supported by me as healer, spiritual guide, visionary, coach and medicine dreamer.
Dreaming Your Vision
12 Month Intensive Dreaming Your Vision is designed for people who are fully committed to taking a deep journey within, nourish their spirits, ground with the earth, and cause empowering change in their lives. Over the 12 months you will be nurtured, encouraged and supported by me as healer, spiritual guide, visionary, coach and medicine dreamer.