Yes! A new season is just around the corner.
Come back soon for Call in details for my FREE 90 MINUTE SPRING EQUINOX TEACHING CALL Friday, March 20th 12-1:30PM EST USA!
Spring arrives next Friday, March 20th, 2015, in the northern hemisphere, Fall in the southern hemisphere.
It also falls on the new moon, and there will be a solar eclipse visible in many parts of
the world. So, it’s a powerful week ahead!
You may have been feeling the affects of the seasonal cosmic energies that are gradually slowing down, as we move towards the Equinox doorways between the seasons and the cardinal directions.
Because I’m located n the northern hemisphere I’ll be focusing on the northeast Spring Equinox “Door of Woman~Door of Silence”where we move from the direction of north in to the east on the medicine wheel of earth. Many of the same teachings apply to the Fall Equinox, please join me on the call no matter where you live.
To align with, and gracefully ride these subtle seasonal energies, it’s important to take time to pause and fully acknowledge how much you’ve grown and changed during the last season. It’s so easy to focus on what we haven’t yet accomplished, which often reflects a scarcity mindset.
To shift to an abundance mindset, all you need to do is acknowledge and be grateful for all the lessons you’ve been gifted over this past 3 months! Acknowledge the courage it’s taken you to release what no longer serves you. Acknowledge how you’ve shined the light on old stories and chosen to let them go,so you can fully live your soul’s destiny and purpose! Acknowledge and give thanks for the abundance all around you, such as the earth and the elements that give us our very life!

It’s also a perfect time to revisit your vision statement, if you’ve created one, to refresh, renew and align it to match your newly birthing self. If you don’t have one yet, you might want to write one this week! Remember, you’re co-creating your life with your words and thoughts, so use powerful, proactive words and intentions. Imagine and dream in to what it will actually feel like when you’re experiencing and living your soul vision and dream for your life!
If you want help clarifying, dreaming and embodying your vision, let me help!
Click Here Now for a Free 20 Minute Clarity Call by phone or Skype.
I also offer home and land clearings, so maybe you’d like to consider this?
Home, Buildings & Land Clearing & Balancing
My Emerald “Pathway to Power” Year Long Program is full!
It’s a privilege and honor to be working with clients in such an intimate, spiritual way. It’s very moving to be witness to them empowering themselves and embodying their visions as they climb their sacred mountains.
I still have space in my Diamond “Dreaming and Embodying Your Vision” Program, so please contact me if your heart and spirit feel the stirring to enroll and take one of these remaining spots. After I fill this program, I won’t be offering one on one work again until next year. With the new season upon us, the timing couldn’t be more perfect to recommit to your spirit, step in to your power, and initiate a fresh start and new beginning for yourself in this year ahead!
Wishing you an inspiring uplifting day!
With much light,
Gentle Buffalo Woman