Greetings kindred spirit,
Recently, I committed myself to a whole new level of identifying, observing and releasing underlying, sabotaging false beliefs. Scrutinizing would be a better word, as this is often what it takes to honestly get to the root of, shed light on, and release stuck patterns perpetuated by false beliefs. False beliefs can be insidious and undermine all aspects of our lives.
On the Spring Equinox in March we moved in to the east on the medicine wheel, the place of creativity and pure spirit. In the east we focus on simplifying our lives to create space to feel and flow with the emanations of spirit and divine inspiration. It’s also where we learn to identify and release old beliefs and patterns that prevent us from experiencing freedom on all levels.
Do you experience total freedom in your life?
Do you have reoccurring beliefs that sabotage you?
Are you ready to clear your inner clutter to allow your spirit to soar?
Do you have reoccurring beliefs that sabotage you?
Are you ready to clear your inner clutter to allow your spirit to soar?
We often “trick” ourselves in to “believing” that we are aware and conscious. If we’re honest with ourselves and observe our ways from the more conscious, detached perspective of our essence, we find that there are always more hidden beliefs to uncover and release. The ego holds on tightly. In moments of clarity, I’m able to see and even laugh at some of my ego-driven, reoccurring patterns, be gentle with myself, and acknowledge them as familiar ways that resistance shows up to prevent me from trusting and leaping in to the unknown of spirit and the great mystery.As we near the summer solstice it’s the perfect time to clear out all areas of our lives, on the physical and spiritual levels, to create the space for spirit to flow. There are also some current astrological influences that call for the same. I invite you to join me this week in creating an “inner warrior” plan in preparation for the Solstice.
1. Review the visions and intentions you committed to in January for 2014.
2. Identify any you haven’t yet taken action on and recommit.
3. Choose one inspired action, that can be easily done this week, and do it!
4. Identify persistent false beliefs and commit to freeing yourself from them.*Please share your successes with me! If you have found that you really can’t seem to hold yourself accountable without support, then please consider working with me. I will be a nurturing,strong stand for you!
2. Identify any you haven’t yet taken action on and recommit.
3. Choose one inspired action, that can be easily done this week, and do it!
4. Identify persistent false beliefs and commit to freeing yourself from them.*Please share your successes with me! If you have found that you really can’t seem to hold yourself accountable without support, then please consider working with me. I will be a nurturing,strong stand for you!
Amethyst “Tending to Your Roots~Reclaiming Your Power”
An opportunity for deep healing and transformation.
~ July New Moon Spiritual Retreat ~
on the Maine Coast

July 25th-August 1st, 2014
on the Maine Coast

July 25th-August 1st, 2014
I am feeling generous today and want to offer a $300 discount for anyone who signs up for the retreat before the Summer Solstice on June 21st! Come retreat and work with me as a shamanic healer, guide and medicine dreamer on the stunning coast of Maine. You will be nurtured, guided, healed and taken care of for a full week in my quiet valley just 2 miles from the island dotted Eggemoggin Reach, Penobscot Bay & beautiful Walker Pond. (Pay in full, save $150) .