It’s June already! It seems like just yesterday that many of us were setting new year’s intentions and so looking forward to co-creating in to an entire 12 months, pregnant with possibilities and new beginnings. Now that we are nearly halfway through the year, it feels like a wise time to pause and take stock of where we are and how we’re doing. Are you on track so far with your vision and intentions for 2014? Have you been successful in breaking through your resistance and sabotaging patterns? Do you feel fully in your power? Do you feel more empowered and aligned with your purpose than ever before? Do you wake up each morning with joy in your heart fueled by a deep knowing that you are walking your true spirit path and fulfilling your life’s purpose?
With the Summer Solstice just weeks away in my part of the world, it seems like a good time to be asking ourselves these questions. And for those of you in the southern hemisphere, the same seasonal introspection is just as pertinent. Here in Maine, USA, our license plates read “Vacationland”! After seemingly endless winters it is very easy to get swept up in the whirlwind of summer visitors and activities and just let everything else go! This can be fun, freeing and healing. However, there is also a tendency to put more important things, like ourselves and our inner work, on the back burner for awhile. I have noticed a kind of seasonal procrastination can easily take over. If we’re not conscious of what’s happening, before we know it, it’s fall again. How have you answered these questions?
I often ask my clients when we begin working together, “Where do you want to be 6 months from now or a year from now?” We then look at exactly where they are right now and create a detailed plan and strategy to get them moving and flowing with their essence, consciously taking the “right actions” to support them in manifesting their dreams and soul’s purpose. Together we create an inner warrior’s strategy, while clearing and releasing things from the past that no longer serve them. Do you have a specific, working strategy for the next 6 months? Do you feel deeply fulfilled and on track with your intentions? Time is accelerated so it’s good to ask ourselves, “Where do I want to be in November, just 6 months from now?”
My 6 month Amethyst “Tending to Your Roots” Program will definitely help you get there!
Email me at: to claim the last
generously discounted space in my 6 month
Amethyst “Tending to Your Roots~Reclaiming Your Power”