Today is the Full Moon in Scorpio with Sun in Taurus. Scorpio and Taurus opposite each other create a poignant planetary configuration. This morning as I opened to the sun and the moon energies I felt a deep peace and an energetic recalibration of my feminine and masculine energies. I was reminded of the im- portance of being ever aware of balancing these parts of ourselves. As women, it seems we are being called to come out in to the world in a more visible way to speak our truth sourced from our intuitive powers and gifts; taking action from our masculine side. And it seems that men are being called to go within, cultivate their intuition, and learn to trust the deep, intuitive, wisdom of their feminine side.
As Inner Warriors, we are often called to step way out of our comfort zone when we commit to this empowering, balancing inner work. I have found that the most transforming breakthroughs often happen when we resist the urge to deny or avoid, and choose instead, to muster up the courage to stay with and move through the most uncomfortable, edgy places.
on the exquisite coast of Maine

July 25th-August 1st, 2014
Claim the last generously discounted space in my 6 month
Amethyst “Tending to Your Roots~Reclaiming Your Power”