Surely by now, we have all felt and been influenced by the subtle, powerful transmissions of energies streaming onto the planet and the Piscean energies that we are currently steeped in. Pisces is said to rule the subtle more mystical realms, so when we attune to these energies we become more aligned with the mystical, spiritual beings that we are. As the universal energies and those of our lives move from the dark, earthy, introspective of the fall and winter seasons towards the vernal light; we all birth anew. When we allow ourselves time and space to align with the seasonal rhythms we can spring forth with renewed spirit, fresh intentions, and clear vision. We are certainly living in powerful, beautiful times; accelerated, light infused and inspiring. I am excited to be alive to witness and experience the disintegration of the old and the birthing of new paradigms. The Vernal Equinox is on the morning of Wednesday, March 20th. This is a good day to be present, still, open and receptive; to get out of our own ways. I am having an Equinox Gathering in Sedgwick, Maine from 1-5, to honor this sacred shift of seasons. During the day we will clarify our intentions for this time of new growth and transformation through fasting, earth practices, drumming, meditation, prayer & guided shamanic journeying. Please join me! Lodging available. See my “Calendar” page for more information. With light, Susan

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